Personalized service finding auto, home, dwelling, life, health insurance and more.
Personalized service finding auto, home, dwelling, life, health insurance and more.
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Are you overwhelmed by the Health insurance information that you are receiving.? As an independent agent, we can help you navigate through this process. We are licensed, trained and certified to assist you with the Health Insurance Marketplace, and have direct INDIVIDUAL and GROUP insurance programs that we can access for you. Call today to sit down with an agent and explore your individual or group health insurance options.
Virtual appointments being booked for open and special enrollment now.
If you need assistance with your open enrollment or need help with a special enrollment period, we are here to walk you through the steps. This year GETCOVEREDNJ will be NJ's go to for individual health insurance. We will be working to assist you with this process. Call 201 768-9086 to make your appointment for open enrollment November 01, 2023- December 31, 2023 for a January 01 effective date or Jan 01-January31,2024 for a February 01 effective date.
Open enrollment is over but you can still get coverage during this special enrollment period if you meet special enrollment criteria. Please call for criteria or find the criteria on GetCoveredNJ.Gov website. Call today for assistance with your GETCOVEREDNJ.Gov Health insurance application
GETCOVEREDNJ.Gov Health is New Jersey's Marketplace site. Our agency can help you navigate the application process and plan selection
Dental insurance for you and your family has a number of benefits. An insurance program that helps you make sure your families smiles stay healthy, is affordable and within reach. We can help you choose a plan that works for your dental health and your fiscal health. Get a quote by clicking here
We are here to discuss the options and benefits available.
Medicare supplements coverage for individuals turning 65 and over. Coverage to supplement Medicare. We are working with several carriers to meet our customers needs.
Do you have a small business of 2-50 employees? Our agency has markets for groups 2-50. Whether you would like to place your business through the SHOP Market or work with direct group markets' we can help guide you through finding the coverage that suits your needs and fits your budget.
Are you a sole Proprietorship looking for a group plan? We have access to aspecialty market for this coverage for certain business classes. * Some of these plans require membership in an affiliate organization and are medically underwritten.
Q) what are the open enrollment dates for 2022?
A) November 01, 2021 to December 31, 2021 for January 01 , 2022 effective dates. January 01- January 31 for a February 01 /2022 effective date After that time you will need to qualify for a special enrollment period.
Q) I am confused by the health insurance marketplace or direct market for health insurance. Can you tell me a bit more about how I choose which place to apply.
A) Obtaining health insurance through GET COVERED NJ is for any individual/family that does not have coverage provided through another source. The marketplace application requires that you create an account and provide your financial information so that they can determine if you would be eligible for tax credits and other financial assistance with your premium. Many of the same plans are also available in the direct health insurance market. The major difference is that if you purchase through the direct market, you cannot get any financial assistance in the form of tax credits or other credits. Plans written through GET Covered NJ are available regardless of whether you are getting assistance or not. Plans written with health carriers direct are available if you do not want to apply for financial assistance. We can help you either way and also help you in determining which application works for you and your family.
Q) Dental insurance benefits Are confusing. What else is Dental insurance doing for me and my family?
A) Your health is greatly impacted by your dental health. The many benefits of dental insurance include Cleanings and check ups and preventative care. * One of the biggest benefits for keeping your smile healthy is preventative care. Cleanings and X-rays and oral exams are the first line of defense. Another benefit to having dental insurance is controlling the cost of services you receive by utilizing carriers network. We would be happy to go over the coverage offered by these dental plans. We write direct with Delta dental and through other carriers participating in the GetCoveredNJ NJ marketplace.
* see contract coverage for these benefits)
Helpful information on Health and Dental Insurance